Friday, January 28, 2011

Awesome people awesome lives

It was really cool ... Induction Day.. lots of complaints though... haha XD cause we were having classes and then the music is soooo loud and the worse aprt.. we didn't get to see the performances...*sigh* heard that the dances were cool... but.. aiya... missed it.. :( when we went down, the sports booths weren't there anymore.. i remembered Luke saying that Le Bron James' photo was there and obviously it was the basketball's club way of promoting the club.. but by the time we went down, all the sports clubs just dissappeared! great =.=lll i can't find netball as well... not netball, no handball, not tennis, no basketball, no swimming, nothing... but i managed to join SEAS (sunway college epic arts society) cause Ms. Meera asks us to join.. hehe :P, Christian Fellowship and music club =)

James!!he is really awesooooommmmmmeeeeee!! he knows almost every sport.. name it and he plays it.. basketball, swimming, badminton, table tennis, tennis, football... i think got some more but i can't remember what it is.... *sigh* really envy him.... Qiao Wen is also another multi talented girl!! she knows ballet, piano, taekwondo, violin.. and all also finish already... if not means really high grade already... super cool people in my class!!

Fabian and Ryan..their guitar skills are quite good... Aaron can sing!! we were all shouting after his audition... haha XD that means that he is really good lar.. Chengyuan is good at studies and he can draw!!and he can draw quite well..  i really need time to get to know these people! seriously!!

Chengyuan is going Australia today.. Melbourne i think... his sister is there.. GREAT. Chengyuan is going to Australia and we will be having our bio test.. he will be having so much fun there while we are stuck here answering bio test... James also been to Japan.. Osaka i think.. if i didn't remember wrongly.. totally blowing my mind off! i have only been to singapore...just that once in this 5 years.. and i made those people kinda pissed cause i'm like a 'jakun' perplexed at the wonder of singapore!! i doubt they'll ever take me there again.. hahahaha.. just in case you're wondering who those people are... they are Gabriel Gan, Daniel Gan, Jonathan Wong.. they were annoyed by me somehow XD hahahhahahahahahha.....

but yah! the class is starting to show their true colours... people start making noises hahaha.. finally! my class is normal!! hahhahahahhahahaha X)

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